The Adventure on Jizera River

Datum konání: 22. 4. 2006
Sekce: Stalo se
Autor: Radek
Vloženo: 9.5.2006
Počet zobrazení: 585

We have already opened our WW season. It happened on Jizera River between the villages Vilemov and Horni Sytova on Saturday the 22-nd of April. It is a marvelous upper-middle part of the river, which very well may be the prettiest mountain river in Czechia. Well Labe upon Vrchlabi or Vltava upon Lipno II dam are also nice rivers, but upper and upper-middle parts of Jizera associate me the Alps’ rivers like Salza, Enns or so. The WW event was enabled due to the celebration of Miisha’s 30-th spring, on the weekend from the 21-st to the 23-rd of April. He preferred this type of celebration as opposed to a simply birthday celebration. He was born in the winter and the celebration among flowery spring nature, a lot of friends, some barrels of beer and so on is probably better than a celebration in the snow :-))) . Miisha decided to rent a weekend house just in Jizerske Mountain mainly for us, i. e. for canoeists and kayakers.

Who decided to show up? Monica and Peter in a canoe, Washeck and me in kayaks and Kathie with Miisha in cars!!! :-((( It was happened this way. We all went to the Vilemov on the Saturday morning. Kathie told us that they had no neoprene suits. Well, it’s a pity to go canoeing without then in the mountains in April, but it is possible. And when we came to Vilemov they both told us that they had no swimming jackets and even no helmets. It is unpardonable! This equipment is really necessary for the level WW 2, which is why they could only go by car along the river.

The navigation was fabulous, the water level was a little above optimum, and the difficulty level WW2 was exactly the same as it was written in my guidebook. Meanwhile, we were all there for the first time when nobody had any problems. I hope it was an unforgettable experience for all of us, as it was also good training for the rest of the season. Hopely see you on really wild creeks in Alps in the summer.

Štítky: Článek nemá štítky


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Verča J. (6.1. 14:22)

Anketa k silvestru 2020 / 2021 spuštěna a běží do neděle 12.1. Tak kam letos pojedeme? Vyjádřete se zde:
Těším se na Vaše odpovědi

Janka (21.11. 14:43)

Hmm, nové fotky na úvod, paráda:-)

Veronika (3.10. 11:33)

"Námořnické Martinské posvícení " pátek 15.11.2019 od 18:30, v hotelu Svornost, Dolní Počernice,
rezervačenky: 110 Kč (bez večeře), 220 Kč (s večeří) - Ivanka Stulíková tel. 603 563 292, resp. Těší se Pavel Stulík (T1)

Káča R. (29.1. 8:55)

Smazala jsem ho já, věc se vyřešila. Šlo o letité nedodání Almanachu a špatnou komunikaci s Veronikou J. Dle informací od Verči už Jirka Almanach dostal.

Petr (21.1. 16:35)

Ještě nedávno tady byl takový dlouhý příspěvek od Jirky K.
Kdo ho smazal? 8-O:-?

Lilka (27.8. 11:05)

TeoCup je 9. - 11. listopadu.

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