Was the navigation on the Ohre River really as pleasant as organizers had advertised it?

Datum konání:
Sekce: Stalo se
Autor: Radek
Vloženo: 22.8.2005
Počet zobrazení: 598

This misadventure took place on the weekend of the 13-th to the 15-th of August. Who joined in? First there were the organizers and canoeing experts, Kate and Miisha. Next I must note the most athletic couple in our group, Monika and Peter. Then there was Clara who is without dispute very experienced and the hopeful canoeist Jack (better known as Boogindah). Finally we could include among us not a couple of only bookworm scientists but also courageous sportsmen, Petra and Andrew and an international couple, Kathie and Fred. Everyone except me navigated from Kynsperk-upon-Ohre to Loket on Saturday, and from Loket to Hubertus on Sunday. I went only from Kynsperk to Sokolov (that is about 2/3 of the Saturday part of the way).

Meanwhile, I took part only on Saturday from the morning till the afternoon, I can say a few words about this event. At once I have to answer “not exactly” to the headline question. The main problem was the not-so-good weather, as a pleasant event should have. Yeah, the organizers evidently forgot to order the necessary sunny weather! Other then that aspects were OK. The Gambrinus beer was drawing in the Kynsperk camping place since the early morning. I arrived at about half past eight and the kiosk was already open! The water level in the river was just at the optimum value and the speed of the stream was acceptable. A restaurant in Sokolov is situated near the river and the late lunch there was very good. At last I especially appreciate the possibility of railway transport along the river.

So, I would advise Kate and Miisha. Please, will you order better weather from St. Peter in Heaven next time and I will be fully satisfied :-))) .

Štítky: Článek nemá štítky


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Verča J. (6.1. 14:22)

Anketa k silvestru 2020 / 2021 spuštěna a běží do neděle 12.1. Tak kam letos pojedeme? Vyjádřete se zde: https://forms.gle/xvkzfPgVSc77zUA39
Těším se na Vaše odpovědi

Janka (21.11. 14:43)

Hmm, nové fotky na úvod, paráda:-)

Veronika (3.10. 11:33)

"Námořnické Martinské posvícení " pátek 15.11.2019 od 18:30, v hotelu Svornost, Dolní Počernice,
rezervačenky: 110 Kč (bez večeře), 220 Kč (s večeří) - Ivanka Stulíková tel. 603 563 292, resp. istulikova@seznam.cz Těší se Pavel Stulík (T1)

Káča R. (29.1. 8:55)

Smazala jsem ho já, věc se vyřešila. Šlo o letité nedodání Almanachu a špatnou komunikaci s Veronikou J. Dle informací od Verči už Jirka Almanach dostal.

Petr (21.1. 16:35)

Ještě nedávno tady byl takový dlouhý příspěvek od Jirky K.
Kdo ho smazal? 8-O:-?

Lilka (27.8. 11:05)

TeoCup je 9. - 11. listopadu.

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