How Teichel changes into Salza meanwhile Steyr remains itself

Datum konání: 22. 7. – 24. 7. 2005
Sekce: Stalo se
Autor: Radek
Vloženo: 27.7.2005
Upraveno: 2.8.2005
Počet zobrazení: 633

There was again a white water adventure in our 20-th group of Tourist Academic Club. We planed two creeks - Teichel and Steyr - in the Austrian Alps this year. How this event passed you can read here.

Our popular "canoeing travel agency" "Vasek & Comp." prepared a colossal journey for us. All participants met at the hire-shop in Vrsovice on Friday 22-nd of July at half past 5 pm because most of us needed a neoprene, a life jacket and so on. In the end we were eight. The head person was an excellent kayaker, Vasek. Then there were very experienced canoeists Kate H. and Miisha, and very hopeful canoeists Clara B. and Peter M. Next there was a trusty canoeist Martin and a greenie among us, Jack P. (also known as Boogindah). And last but not least there was me of course. At about half past 6 pm we drove off to the village Steyrbrücke situated on the confluence of Steyr and Teichel. When we arrived there late in the night we found out that the local camping area was closed. So we had to look for some open camping area which in the end we happily found somewhere up the Teichel river at about half past 2 am. We quickly pitched tents in a rain that strarted just a few minutes before our arrived and we went to sleep.

On Saturday we got up late. We reached the starting place just after noon. A brand-new sign forbidding rafting, canoeing and kayaking on Teichel was waiting for us here. We were shocked!!! So my friends decided to move to Salza which is not so far from here and which we know because we rode down it last year. I did not like this solution at first but now I can say it was a very good decision. Salza had more water than last year but the level was still safe. Canoeing and kayaking were so perfect that Jack a few times tried hydrospeeding even :-). And everybody except me probably loved the rescue training, which is required by EU standards. The training is mainly based on a jump to the v-v-very c-c-cold w-w-water and then on the correct usage of a safety rope. Passing throgh a Salza notch was as fascinating as every other time.

On Sunday we rode down Steyr as we had planned in advance. There was no "surprise" like there was on Teichel. This creek has not so strong current as Salza but it is at least one degree more difficult because some places here are a right WW3. We passed from a waterfall, which is near Hinterstoder to the bridge in Steyrbrück. I suppose that all will agree with me that Steyr is lovelier than Salza. There are not as many people as there are in well known Salza, and widespread rafting on Salza is probably prohibited here. At least we did not meet any rafters during all of Sunday.

In the late afternoon we packed our baggage and arrived home. We returned to Prague close to midnight. In spite of the problem with the camping and with Teichel it was once again a crown of our white water season. Big thanks to Vasek. We are looking forward to the next year adventure in ... ?

Štítky: Článek nemá štítky


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Verča J. (6.1. 14:22)

Anketa k silvestru 2020 / 2021 spuštěna a běží do neděle 12.1. Tak kam letos pojedeme? Vyjádřete se zde:
Těším se na Vaše odpovědi

Janka (21.11. 14:43)

Hmm, nové fotky na úvod, paráda:-)

Veronika (3.10. 11:33)

"Námořnické Martinské posvícení " pátek 15.11.2019 od 18:30, v hotelu Svornost, Dolní Počernice,
rezervačenky: 110 Kč (bez večeře), 220 Kč (s večeří) - Ivanka Stulíková tel. 603 563 292, resp. Těší se Pavel Stulík (T1)

Káča R. (29.1. 8:55)

Smazala jsem ho já, věc se vyřešila. Šlo o letité nedodání Almanachu a špatnou komunikaci s Veronikou J. Dle informací od Verči už Jirka Almanach dostal.

Petr (21.1. 16:35)

Ještě nedávno tady byl takový dlouhý příspěvek od Jirky K.
Kdo ho smazal? 8-O:-?

Lilka (27.8. 11:05)

TeoCup je 9. - 11. listopadu.

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Poslední změna: 2.5.2022, 21:51:03