First this Year's Adventure on White Water

Datum konání: 7. 5. 2005
Sekce: Stalo se
Autor: Radek
Vloženo: 20.6.2005
Upraveno: 24.6.2005
Počet zobrazení: 589

First this Year's Adventure on White Water

Our 20-th group have got now excellent canoeists, which can ride down whatever rivers with a white water difficulty of WW3 or may be even till WW4. We suggest this summer some wild creeks in Austria again. You maybe remember the great happening on the river Salza last year. Such a difficult event needs training of course. So I decided to organise something for opening this season. I offered to my friends either the upper part of the river Jizera or the river Kamenice. Everybody who was planning to joint in this asked for Kamenice so decision was very simple. The lower section of the creek has difficulty WW2 and against to the dangerous middle section with difficulty at least WW4 that is safe. After all riffles in the lower part of the creek there are easy flows where swimming persons and flowing things can be caught. And by the way I red that there is a very nice terrain that suit beginners. So it surely has to fit to the opening of season after a winter break.

The long expected D-day was on Saturday the 7-th of May. Two cars, four boats (three canoes and one kayak), seven persons (Monika & Peter, Clara B., Hannah R., Tomas S., Josef Z. and me) ... it was really a great happening. We started about one kilometer up the Jesenny railway station that lay close to the creek. We used three common inflatable boats (two canoes and one kayak) but the most notable was the third canoe. Monika & Peter borrowed a polyethylene closing canoe with the contemporary slalom form. Colossal boat indeed!!! Through the most difficult part we passed practically with no problems. Then confluence of Kamenice and Jizera followed and we continued on Jizera via Zelezny Brod to Mala Skala. This section of Jizera is good only for relaxation and it could be consist as a little boring. We finished the first round in Mala Sklala at about 3 o'clock PM. Then we had lunch in one local restaurant. Late in the afternoon some of us decided for second round and others transferred to the interesting pub in the old village style. Joe and me borrowed the plastic canoe from Monika & Peter who preferred the pub and it was our big mistake as you can read below. Second round was passing only from Jesenny to the confluence and there went only two boats. Except us it was Clara and Tomas who went down the river in one of the inflatable canoes. Joe and me got on the plastic canoe and about right the time we fell down into the water. Will you believe me the water in a mountain creek is not very hot in the begging of May! And I can say now that hard slalom canoes are really unstable boats much worse than hard kayaks. After all we tried to continue but when we swam third times we had to resolve this serious problem. Finally I went down through the last more difficulty riffle single and Joe was ridden on by Thomas and Clara in their boat. But then last hundreds meters we passed again in double and even in an excellent style because there was quiet water. The end of the water adventure was exactly at the moment when it got dark and continuing would be a little dangers. We crawled to the funny pub where the rest of our friends waited. Then some of us (for example me) were unfrozen by grogs. All we lasted out here till midnight no matter that my wife Alice, Joe's wife Judy with their little son Jim and Tomas' wife Veronica hastily waited at ours homes.

Štítky: Článek nemá štítky


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Verča J. (6.1. 14:22)

Anketa k silvestru 2020 / 2021 spuštěna a běží do neděle 12.1. Tak kam letos pojedeme? Vyjádřete se zde:
Těším se na Vaše odpovědi

Janka (21.11. 14:43)

Hmm, nové fotky na úvod, paráda:-)

Veronika (3.10. 11:33)

"Námořnické Martinské posvícení " pátek 15.11.2019 od 18:30, v hotelu Svornost, Dolní Počernice,
rezervačenky: 110 Kč (bez večeře), 220 Kč (s večeří) - Ivanka Stulíková tel. 603 563 292, resp. Těší se Pavel Stulík (T1)

Káča R. (29.1. 8:55)

Smazala jsem ho já, věc se vyřešila. Šlo o letité nedodání Almanachu a špatnou komunikaci s Veronikou J. Dle informací od Verči už Jirka Almanach dostal.

Petr (21.1. 16:35)

Ještě nedávno tady byl takový dlouhý příspěvek od Jirky K.
Kdo ho smazal? 8-O:-?

Lilka (27.8. 11:05)

TeoCup je 9. - 11. listopadu.

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Poslední změna: 2.5.2022, 21:51:03